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HOCL - Miracle DE-ODOR-IZER With Water - Salt - Stone Natural Deodorant

Bare Pits has formulated a completely unique miracle all natural Sea + Stone Aloe Roll On DE-ODOR-IZER deodorant. This roll-on natural deodorant is vegan, easy to use and gives at least 12-hour protection, all while soothing, healing, cooling, deodorizing and hydrating the underarms with the power of 4 ingredients, THAT'S...

Benefits of Sweating & Detoxing Through Armpits

It’s hot out there! And with the heat comes some of our favorites, like refreshing drinks and summer vacation. Along with these treats, the dog days of summer are also making us sweat. Lucky you, Bare Pits natural deodorant options will help combat your sweat and odor. But did you know...

Benefits of Dead Sea Salt Therapy - Bare Pits H2O Oxygen Facial Mist

Everything you need to know about salt therapy Try our Natural Oxygen Facial Mist made with electrolyzed water & salt HEAL - DETOX - REENERGIZE - PROTECT The wonders of salt therapy have been observed around the globe for centuries. But what exactly is this relaxing remedy – and how...

Armpit Exfoliating - Underarm game changer for pit odor

We all love to exfoliate our skin, but armpits? This may be a new concept; however; armpit care is part of skin care, they need the same love and care. Think about it: you sweat every day, build up bacteria, hair grows, and when sweat and bacteria and natural deodorant...

Miracle Bare Pits African Cleansing Paste Soap

 We love our miracle African soap, but even more in a paste. A small amount goes a long way. Packaged in a 2oz jar- great to keep in shower. Lather a small amount with a drop of water for foaming like you have never seen. Amazing for face, armpits, body,...

Earth Day Athleta + ThredUp + Bare Pits Giveaway

Enter to Win EARTH DAY GIVEAWAY Athleta SoCal & Bare Pits have teamed up for a special Earth Day giveaway! Register now for a chance to win a $100 Athleta shop card + $100 gift card to Bare Pits.  Visit the following Athleta stores on 4/22 to try out Bare Pits IRL! The first 20 customers...

Hydrate & Nourish Your Skin with MONO'I de Tahiti Glow Everything Body Oil

The Monoi de Tahiti Body Oil Spray is specially formulated with organic ingredients that will leave skin feeling moisturized, well nourished, and deeply hydrated. 100% natural scent from infused Tiare (gardenia) flowers. Does not clog pores. Get ready for an addicting exotic aroma of paradise!

Bare Pits HSN Natural Deodorant Launch

A dream come true.

Bare Pits launches on HSN from The Big Find

We are so grateful for this opportunity! PR RELEASES   Magnesium Deodorant Spray Lavender Vanilla BY Bare Pits LLC to Launch on HSN and Bare Pits Joins the 90+ Brands Discovered Through The Big Find Product Search (Dateline) - Bare Pits won judges over during QVC and HSN’s The...

Armpit Care is Skin Care - Give Your Pits The Freedom To Breathe

Armpit Care is Skin Care. Your daily skin care routine should always include the same treatment on your pits. Your armpits are overlooked as important, but Bare Pits will change the way you think of them and the way they feel. It’s time to show some long overdue love to our...

What is Mono'i de Tahiti Infused Tiare? MONO'I oil is a rare Bare Pits creation

Why is Bare Pits MONO'I line so special? Tahitian for “scented oil,” monoi – pronounced “mah-noy” – is a fragrant elixir made from coconut oil and tiare flowers (also known as Tahitian gardenias). While only recently building buzz in beauty circles, this hot ingredient has been a South Pacific beauty...

Why does natural deodorant make me smell worse? What is and will an armpit detox help?

Every day we get an email asking us why natural deodorant makes them smell worse. Let's face it, going natural and non toxic in skin & body care is thrown at us daily. We know the benefits of ditching our antiperspirant, but many don't quite understand the process of transitioning...

Bare Pits dead sea mud mask is a MIRACLE FACIAL in a jar. Detox and get HYDRATED GLOWING SKIN!

ARMPIT CARE IS SKIN CARE!   Why is Bare Pits Dead Sea mud so beneficial to your skin? The Dead Sea is unique due to its high concentrations of salts and minerals. It's a miracle particularly because it's rich in magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. THIS IS A MIRACLE 30 MINUTE...

Pregnant & Armpit Body Odor - Do pregnancy hormones cause your body odor to smell worse & sweat more?

Why Pregnant Women Smell: Hormones- of course, hormones! We have a lot of extra hormones that cause stink. Those hormones are concentrated in the armpits and genital areas. So they’re the stink zones. Increased blood flow- more blood is in your body than ever before and it’s keeping your glands...

Armpit cleanse? Add armpit cleansing to your weekly skin care routine to get rid of bacteria causing odor

Armpit toner? What is a armpit cleansing serum spray and why it's an important part of armpit care. It’s time to show some long overdue love to our underarms. When it comes to underarms, we tend to focus on what we don’t want them to do. We don’t want them...

Armpits 101 .. 11 Facts To Know About Armpit Odor

  The human body is an amazing thing. For each one of us, it's the most intimate object we know. And yet most of us don't know enough about it: its features, functions, quirks, and mysteries. Our series The Body explores human anatomy, part by part. Think of it as...